Wednesday, 13 August 2014

August Beginner Workshop dates

 Weekday works shop 
(spots still available)
Tuesday August 19th 9:30 to 4:30

(pending payment is sold out)  
Sunday August 24rd  9:30 to 4:30 

September to be posted soon 

August is for the BIRDS

 So excited.. Classes are going well and I have just added a new sculpture to my list of
"YES I can !!!"
 meet Augustus.. Created  for my yard. He is just hanging out until I can put him in his home in our front yard.
He is already bringing 'great fortune' this month... how cool to hear an advertisement  on the radio about 'Augustus' after I had named him.
The last few months have been all about getting set up.. Teaching several classes and perfecting my skills..

Starting to get comfortable wearing the 'artist' label who knew at 60 one could start a new career???

and it feels like one I was destined to do ..happy heart