Wednesday, 1 October 2014


Class Schedule for October 
Saturday Classes
Beginner Class 
Oct 18th 9:30 - 4:30 
Cost $99.00 
(2 spots filled already )

Father Christmas
A great piece for a gift !!!
November 1st
9:30 to 4:30
Cost $130.00
 ( new class I am setting up, photo will be on Facebook soon  ) 

Weekday Evening Classes
Heron Class 
(Prefer you have completed a beginner class) 
Tuesday 14, 21 & 28 
(it will take all 3 classes to complete this 4 1/2 foot sculpture, 
I am splitting them so you can truly enjoy creating this master piece ) 
7:00 to 9:30
cost $195.00 for all 3 classes 

Ballerina Class
(an intermediate class where you need to have completed a beginner class) 
Thursday 16, 23 & 30th
7:00 to 9:30
Cost $160.00 for all 3 classes 
(again it will take all 3 classes as we build a more muscular body so time is needed to get the correct sculpting completed and we will be working with Paverwrappers) 

Bird making Workshop
(no experience is necessary)
Wednesday 22nd 
7;00 to 9:30
Cost $65.00

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

August Beginner Workshop dates

 Weekday works shop 
(spots still available)
Tuesday August 19th 9:30 to 4:30

(pending payment is sold out)  
Sunday August 24rd  9:30 to 4:30 

September to be posted soon 

August is for the BIRDS

 So excited.. Classes are going well and I have just added a new sculpture to my list of
"YES I can !!!"
 meet Augustus.. Created  for my yard. He is just hanging out until I can put him in his home in our front yard.
He is already bringing 'great fortune' this month... how cool to hear an advertisement  on the radio about 'Augustus' after I had named him.
The last few months have been all about getting set up.. Teaching several classes and perfecting my skills..

Starting to get comfortable wearing the 'artist' label who knew at 60 one could start a new career???

and it feels like one I was destined to do ..happy heart

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Siren of the Sea plus Spike

its been a busy month as we have completed the room that enters into the studio.. and now we have a sink in the studio...
this week I will be making more lovely ladies to share with you all
Spike....busy reading

Friday, 21 February 2014

March Dates

Monday, March 3rd

Sunday, March 9th

Saturday, March 22

 Sunday, March 23  all booked

Friday, March 28

Saturday, March 29

Classes are currently small and fill fast.

In order to book your spot I must receive the payment

contact me to make arrangements to get how to make payment details
780-476-3183 home or cell 780-915-6399

 all classes in MY studio at 3728 132 ave...
run from 9:30 to 4:30

Introduction Class

In this class you will learn the basics, building a form from a wire frame and aluminum foil. You will use t-shirt material to dip in liquid “paverpol”, wrapping and dressing the form. These sculptures will be sitting and one colour. They can be female, male, angels, fairies. How they sit and how they are dress can vary on your choice.  After curing this can go outside summer and winter. No need to bring it indoors.
  • 1 – white 100% cotton t-shirt
  • 1 roll of aluminum foil
$99.00in my studio

examples of what a first class can be like

Friday, 14 February 2014

What is Paverpol????

Welcome to Paverpol
Welcome to Paverpol where
Paverpol makes it possible! It has been the World’s leading Art & Craft hardener for more than fifteen years.

Endless Possibilities
Paverpol turns materials like: – textile, fabrics, paper, leather and moss into ROCK-HARD outdoor objects.
Use it on clothes, yarn, dry- and silk flowers, clay, Styrofoam, paper Mache, bark fibers, decorations and much more and it is sealed forever.

Materials that are hardened or sealed with Paverpol can be placed in the garden or patio throughout the year …
With the AP seal for non-toxicity from ACMI (Art & Creative Materials Institute).
Just clean your hands and tools with warm water and soap.
Try it !
I am now a certified instructor and would love to introduce you to this wonderful medium 

Class Descriptions

Introduction Class

  • Lady G
In this class you will learn the basics, building a form from a wire frame and aluminum foil. You will use t-shirt material to dip in liquid “paverpol”, wrapping and dressing the form. These sculptures will be sitting and one colour. They can be female, male, angels, fairies. How they sit and how they are dress can vary on your choice.  After curing this can go outside summer and winter. No need to bring it indoors.
  • 1 – white 100% cotton t-shirt
  • 1 roll of aluminum foil

$99.00in my studio

Intermediate Class

Pre-requisite - Introduction Class 

In this class you will expand your techniques. You will learn standing structure, how to use “wrappers”, & “paverplast” to make a smoother body. Also how to use the “transparent paverpol” to give your piece two colors.
  • 1 roll of aluminum foil
  • Piece of natural material about 12” x 12”
$130.00in my studio


Advanced Class

Pre-requisite - Introduction Class 

You will learn different structure, how to mix “pavercolors”, how to combine colors., how to use “stockinette” and/or “relief decoration”.


  • 1 roll aluminium foil
 All other supplies are included.
$160.00in my studio

Heron Class

Pre-requisite - Introduction Class 

You will build a 4.5 ft heron on a concrete base using wire, styrofoam, aluminum foil and t-shirts.
  • 100ft of aluminum foil
  • 2 – 100% cotton t-shirts could be white, grey, blue, navy or black.
$195.00 in my studio ONLY
This class is currently being offered in 3 weekdays evening were we will to get certain stages at each day. The final date is painting and having a bit of a celebration 

Ballerina Class 

Pre-requisite - Introduction Class 

In this class we will sculpt a body with muscle tone and more realistic shape. We will use paver wrappers and paverplast to achieve a smother finish., along with relief deception and several creative ways to achieve some very cool finishes.] that will be dry brushed.  The sculpture is standing and reinforced 
  • a roll of tin foil (all other supplies are included.
This class is currently being offered in 3 weekdays evening were we will to get certain stages at each day. The final date is painting and having a bit of a celebration 

Bird Making Workshop

Pre-requisite - NONE
A fun quick evening course where we will create a bird of your choice, either for outdoors in your yard or to add to you holiday and or everyday decor.
We will be working with Paverpol and paverplast and even possible art stone to create a finish you will love . Suitable for younger people and no experience is required.
$65.00 class runs from 7 to 9 on a week day 
No supplies are required 

Father Christmas

Pre-requisite - Introduction Class 
In this class we will make the traditional Father Christmas with a long flowing robe. We use art Stone to make a crackle cloth  the accents on his robe.  Color can be added via the Tshirt selected or dry brushing ( a sample is currently in the making. A great Gift idea or an addition to your holiday decor ) A Creative Fire Original class :) 
  • a roll of tin Foil
  • a tshirt colour of your choice... perhaps 2 
  • embellishments you may want to add.
example of Crackle cloth embellishments

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Upcoming Class dates for February

Beginner Class
Saturday Feb to see details

Week Day Beginner Class Tuesday Feb 25th Week day click link for all details
Note.... Classes are limited to 4 spots right now... and will run once full... Payment required to secure your spots.
email me at for all details on how to secure payment and your spot

the beginning of Creative Fire Studio, the how & the why

wow.. Can I believe this is unfolding.???? its been a dream.. a dream that was put on hold for so long, now just moments away from being really really official.
Lets start with way back... I have always been creative... even very little making barbie doll dresses for  barbies and my own paper dolls from catalogues.. Was it always recognized as a talent?? NO.

I remember as a young mom who was heading back to work..With  limited funds and needing a wardrobe... people were so amazed that I made my skirt... (were I grew up on the farm we just did that because you had to!!!)..
That was the beginning of the recognition of my creative side...  as the years moved along and I was STUCK.... so stuck in a job... that I really didn't  like but the money was good.. and with 2 small children, leaving and going to retrain wasn't a possibility one could even dream about... but I did.. every day on that long walk from the bus to the office.... and as the universe would unfold..( I don't call it luck ) I landed up leaving on stress leave and they retrained me.... yup they did... 1999 NAIT  dress making and tailoring program. My chance to turn my skill into a living.

As things  ebb & flow many things changed and that evolved to a direct sale business in PartyLite.. again a huge opportunity to be creative  decorating homes and to make money...

With my health and mobility were deteriorating... again another shift and I discovered the amazing world of ViSalus... and for first time ever in my life I was taking MY health seriously... You see without our health nothing else matters... Having a history of obesity in our family,  being over 90 pounds overweight  my life was being affected. Something had to change... again the universe unfolded to bring me to ViSalus in this next chapter in my life.

That brings us to now.. 62 pounds down in my very best health ever I found I needed to feed my creative part again.... (it will never be denied you see) I had dabbled in Paverpol and truly loved the medium. It was very immediate.. very forgiving and so flexible... for several years I dreamed of being a teacher in this medium.

Again a dream comes true... with ViSalus I have the flexibility to choose how I spend my days.

So now.... I get to be in my very best health EVER, Help so many of them friends get their health & finances back...  Now I get to help others explore their creative side with Paverpol.. you see everybody gets to be an artist with Paverpol

How does it get any better then that ????